Wednesday 9 February 2011

Blog your beside!

Inspired by my dear friend Lou, here is what goes on by the side of my bed.

There it is. The besdside table.

A very dusty camera which I *think* might work with a film and battery in.
Little donkey, 10p from Salvation Army and some jumping beans a present from the brother at Christmas.
This beaut of a mug is from Vintage V in Yaxley, it's a brilliant shop choc-full of lovely things. I use it to put rings, hair grips etc in. Too small for a satisfying cuppa.

Nan and Grandad on their wedding day.

Best handcream ever.

And a sweet little box from a charity shop. 50p. Must've been feeling flush that day.

What's beside your bedside? I would love to know, I'm nosy like that.


Whilst having a sort out I came across some slides, they're brilliant. Some of the colours are AMAZING! I took them to Jessops where they put them onto a disc. Here are 2 such prints. (Other photographic retailers are available)


Cakes and bakes

Well! 2011, can you believe it? I can't. Here's some stuff I've made (foodie stuff).
Some Jamie Oliver 30 minute meals, a Christmas cake, some Oreo brownies and some chocolate chip cookies. It is quite a wonder I am not morbidly obese.

Thursday 23 September 2010

Covent Garden

Now, as I have told you before I love London. This time I went with Mum to go and see a show and have a little mooch around Covent Garden.

We had lemonade and olives (2 things I could live on given the chance).
And then we went to see War Horse at the New London Theatre.

This is one of the most brilliant things I have ever seen. Ever. Funny, moving, spectacular and breath-taking I cannot recommend it highly enough. Please go to see it if you get the chance, it will make you glad to be alive, it was SUPER. Just take along tissues-you've got a heart of stone if you don't sob at the end.



Oooh there's a chill in the air and I love it! Roll on cosy nights in, hello winter boots and tights and jumpers.

At last my tomatoes have ripened!

Thanks to shifting them around the garden chasing any last rays of sunshine. I have an abundance of them now, so I've been making soups!

Easy tomato soup
-6-8 tomatoes
-1 small clove garlic
-1 small red onion
-1 cup of veg stock
-Tabasco (to taste, optional)
-Salt & pepper
-1 tbs sugar

Chop tomatoes, onions and garlic and sling into a baking dish. Season and add a glug of olive-oil.
Pop it in a hot oven (gas mark 8) and leave for about half an hour or until they're lovely and squashy and juicy.
Once they're roasted decant into a blender adding sugar, Tabasco and the sugar.
Blend until smooth.

Easy, good for you and quick. Lovely with a bit of cheese crumbled on top.

Friday 27 August 2010

Lovely letterpress.

It's a shame it's already been my birthday because this would've been top of my list!

This beauty is from here:
I especially like the 'keep it wonky' bit.

Photos of cakes and cucumbers promised for next week.

Thursday 19 August 2010


Now, I love a good chocolate cake and I love a cup of tea, so what could be better than a mixture of the two?
Lo and behold: Earl Grey Chocolate Fudge Cake!

I can't take all the credit for this, in fact I can't take any its a Gizzi Erskine recipe. She's fab.

I did make it though, with my own fair hands! Nowt else to report really, have had 2 more cucumbers since my last post and the tomatoes are growing but not ripening-plenty of green tomato chutney to be made I reckon.

This next photo is for L.P, she loves a deep cake!