Friday 30 July 2010

Cucumber #2

The cucumber has been harvested! What a big'un, it weighed about 275g which I think is quite impressive.

Tomorrow is the taste test!

Wednesday 28 July 2010

A good read.

I love a good book, this is my most recent read.
One Day by David Nicholls.

He also wrote Starter For Ten which is a cracking read too. Be warned though, you'll need tissues, it's very moving. Having said that I am quite soppy.
Happy reading!

Monday 26 July 2010

In the garden

OK, so I'm no Alan Titchmarsh but I have been growing tomato and cucumber plants-the first things I have ever grown other than cress.
They're coming along quite nicely! Hopefully with a few more days of sun my tomatoes will ripen and the cucumber (just the one, but it's a big'un) will be ready to pick. Incidentally, how do you know when to pick a cucumber?!
Well anyway here is the cucumber, resting on a bit of foam-it's that big!

Tiny toms

And this little chap keeps visiting.....
Finally, another charity shop find, 20 pence's worth of loveliness.

Wednesday 7 July 2010


Thought I would share some lovely treats with you!

Mini soap from Covent Garden, wood blocks from the V&A and the weirdest notebook ever. Oh and a cup that Ma and Pa bought me as a holiday souvenir from their trip to the Lakes. Gawjus.

Tuesday 6 July 2010

I love London.

Ahhh I really do love London! Had a look round the V&A museum...possibly my favourite museum ever and saw Vivienne Westwood in the toilets (would've got a photo but not really the place where you can whip your camera out) Then had a spot of lunch in Hyde Park and a mooch around Covent Garden. A very lovely day..back to work tomorrow! Boo, hiss.

Tomato plants are coming alomg well too. Will be self sufficient in tomato-based chutneys, sauces, salads and jams by August.

Oh and look at this:
Pretty lovely, eh?

Friday 2 July 2010

New typewriter

Hello lovely new typewriter.

Isn't it lovely? And only 3 quid from a Salvation Army. Baaargian.
Need to make stuff. Have been massively busy with work lately, crafts have been abandoned. I haven't even baked any cakes!
Here's a nice website though:
I would buy everything if I could!