Thursday 25 June 2009


...for the terrible spelling and grammatical errors in the previous post, my only excuse is that I was very excited about the bookfair and therefore not thinking straight.

Not a lot to report really, had a lovely night at the cinema with my favourite girls and boys....and here's a few links and a photo or two:

The is the cake we made for Papa P's birthday, a feat of e-numbers I think you'll agree!

Monday 22 June 2009

Liverpool 09!

Bon Soir! (Continental eh?)
Have returned Leicester to today from Liverpool, for the Artists' Bookfair. What a great day, so inspiring...really good to see what other book and paper people are doing. Saw the legend that is Stephen Fowler who was exhbiting there. He's a brilliant illustrator/book binder/typographer and a very talented chap! He gave a talk and a lesson at Uni and got us all drawing taxidermy animals. Bloomin' good fun!
Anyway! The Bookfair was smashing, wil upload a photo and scan in some bits and bobs shortly but in the meantime....
Sophie's Top Tips For Exhibitions:
  • Take layers of clothing....I was frozen.
  • Put prices on your work...something I failed to do and shall do next time!

Here's some lovely links for you all!

That's all for today, photos of bookfair and scanned-in things to come soon!

Wednesday 17 June 2009

Busy times

Ah! Long time no blog. Many appologies, have been mega-busy with my Degree Show...many, many late nights, stresses, blood, sweat and the occasional tear have made for Design Crafts '09 super-duper degree show. Everyone's work looked really good, the hard work definatley paid off!

I've also exhibited at Exton Craft fair and will be exhibiting at Liverpool Artists' Bookfair this weekend (21st June) pop along if you can! And after that, I will be exhibiting along with fellow Design Crafters at New Designers, London, can't wait!

Any other news? Hmmm? Oh yes! Had a fabulous holiday to the Peak District, got a job for the summer and will shortly be a guest at my cousin Emily's wedding (new dress-yipee!) Then after that it will be time to graduate.......surely I'm not that grown up!?

I'll leave you with some pictures of my work at the Degree show on opening night (please ignore my funny face)(They're at the top of this post..can't figure out how to move them!)

That's all for now. Back soon!